Ever feel like taking a vacation from your life?
Work has been very stressful. We have been short-staffed for over a month and even with everyone pitching in and doing their best, things are getting left undone. Today I totaled up my "overtime" (no such thing as I am salaried, just supposed to compensate at some point). I am up to 174 minutes - of the time I have been tracking. And yet I have a lot of "my" work still to do. On a positive note: I have gained an even deeper appreciation for what CMA's do! They rock and I am at best a remedial student of their ways with scheduling and tracking down results and records. I bow to their abilities to get it all done!
To top it all off life at home has had it's own unique stressors (enjoy your kids while they are young - the late teens/early adult years.... yowzer - are they tough times to parent!)
My refuge of late: running,knitting (when I can find the time for that) and reading (if I can stay awake long enough).
Got in a nice trail run Monday before donating blood. Then a day off (from running at least). Wednesday is the usual group run - this time with temperatures in the mid to upper 20's (hardly knew how to dress). Almost didn't make it there because of work - but managed to get out the door and to Canal Park without making the group wait too long. Thursday's are for running to work ;-> Vitally important this week as the stress builds!
Will take Friday off (may get a ski in with a friend) then Saturday is the "long" run. My schedule says 5-6 miles, but since I did 7 last week I may stick with that. Temps are supposed to plummet in the next day, making it another cold one, but if I run the same route I should at least have the wind at my back on the way home.
Sunday's are for skiing and soccer. Start the day with a 4k classical ski at a local trail, then in the afternoon it is indoor soccer. Last week (18th) was the first game of the season. So, what did I do - played two back-to-back. Yup - just about crippled the next day ;-> Had a heck of a bruise from getting hit with the ball (can still see it), prompting a run to the co-op for more arnica gel. This past Sunday I only played one game, but managed to take a ball to the face and get taken down, landing on my chest, left arm and apparently my left shoulder - hard. Bounced right back up, but had more than a few players asking if I was really okay. Felt fine at the time, but have since discovered that I must have hit harder than I thought. Left shoulder by Tuesday was really bugging me and had limited range of motion. Better now, but not back to normal.
Sauna Sunday night did a lot to relax the muscles and the mind. Got to remember to fire the sauna up more often (and a great way to dispose of items that need shredding ;-> )
On the knitting front: Another pair of rather large socks are done and gifted. Took one whole skein of Plymouth Yarn Sockin' Sox (60% superwash wool, 25% bamboo, 15% nylon) plus a little from a second skein (one skein is supposed to make a pair of socks). What to do with the almost full skein? Why a hat of course! Cast on for a ribbed hat (nice, soothing 2x2 ribbing). Once that is done I may be ready to tackle some color knitting in way of a Hartley Hat in fingering weight wool.
Reading: Dana Stabenow - couple of her thrillers. Preceded that with some Anne Lamott. On order: a new (to me) Connie Willis.
Ice Skating Trail on Gunflint Lake
11 hours ago
Stay strong Lisa B.!!!! Hoping your weekend is peaceful, time to retire from soccer?
Hah beat Ms. Chris, rare event, yeah !
Funny, someone else commented I am too old for contact sports ;->
Just need work to slow down and life to slow down and all will be good ;-> the time will come!
Book I ordered arrived today. One more week and we should be back to full staff... it is looking up (and 5-8 more years and my kids will realize how smart I really am ;->)
Oh yeah, Jim beat me by HOURS and HOURS!
Having been through extended times of work craziness (and also being salaried) - hang in there and I hope it improves.
Stay warm tomorrow!
Thanks Chris!
Left on time and headed to the chiropractor (my neck is always a mess - guess where my stress goes ;->) and got some work done on my shoulder - some improvement - can reach the middle of my back now.
Running in Hartley tomorrow, means a break from the winds. Won't be as cold as last weeks run ;->
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